What are the requirements for serving in the NH House?
Must be a registered voter and at least 18 years old
Domiciled in New Hampshire for at least 2 years
Must presently live in the town or ward you are a candidate for
Must be registered as a Democrat before the filing period begins to run as a Democrat
What do NH State Representatives do?
Representatives serve 2-vear terms
The House is in session from January-June every year
Committee Requirements
State Reps serve on a committee that works on legislation before it goes to the full House floor. Committees meet 1+ times a week depending on the workload-the time commitment will vary significantly based on the committee
Committees typically meet on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Committees are assigned in the beginning of every term by party leadership
House Session
The full 400-member House meets most Thursdays (and a few Wednesdays) between January and June every year
Find out more about the New Hampshire House here.
Pay & Perks (in addition to the privilege of serving your state)
$200 a term
Reimbursed for gas mileage to Concord for legislative work
Free tolls in New Hampshire
Option for special State Representative license plate