I’m a New Hampshire native living in Manchester’s Ward 12. I was born and raised in Bedford, and spent some time living out of state before returning to settle in Manchester. I’m proud to call New Hampshire my chosen home and love the lifestyle this state has to offer.
Professionally, I work for an ad agency and manage paid media for clients across a variety of industries (primarily CPG and technology brands). I’m also actively involved in public service, and have previously served as a ballot clerk as well as a volunteer leader for local political campaigns. This is my first time seeking elected office, and I look forward to bringing a fresh, strategic voice to the State House this year.
Expand New Hampshire’s economy by investing in high-potential business opportunities, strengthening public education, and protecting quality-of-life for our state’s workforce
Build resilient, reliable infrastructure – from making timely repairs to our roads and utilities, to modernizing transportation via commuter rail
Protect personal freedom and civil liberties, including voting rights, free expression and reproductive choice
Preserve New Hampshire’s natural resources and protect access to clean air, safe water, and public outdoor spaces